Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 John 5:4-5 (TPT)

You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. So who are the world conquerors, defeating its power? Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

The Mirror Translation says, “Whatever is born of God is destined to triumph over the world system. Our faith celebrates a victory that is already accomplished!”

On Sunday, Nick ministered on ‘Victory Mindset Power’. A victory-mindset is the mindset of Christ, a mind, set on the Word of God, not moved by circumstances. Jesus has sealed our victory in all things… so, unless the devil can persuade us to bow to his deception and to throw in the towel, we win!

Faith in the finished work of Jesus is the victorious power that triumphs over the world as well as over the world system and over every work of the devil – faith is the victorious power that births a ‘victory-mindset’ that propels us to rise victoriously.

God already took care of every weapon formed against you, He destined you for victory

I love the way that ‘The Mirror Translation’ translates this scripture, '“Our faith celebrates a victory that is already accomplished!” A victory-mindset CELEBRATES present challenges as victories that have already been accomplished!

We celebrate BY FAITH in the midst of the battle! Just like Jehoshaphat and Judah did, they celebrated and praised in the midst of the battle. Anybody can praise God and celebrate after the fact, but celebrating and praising God ‘during’ the battle takes faith… it takes a ‘victory-mindset’. When you become fully persuaded that God’s New Covenant Word is true, then you celebrate before, during and after battles. When someone wins the lottery, they get notified by a lottery official… they may be in the middle of being evicted, in the middle of losing everything, but they still celebrate… they believe the lottery official. Even though they may only receive payment months later, they endure present hardship with joy, knowing what lays ahead… their celebration and praise is all based upon being fully persuaded, and having total faith in what they have heard.

If people will believe lottery officials, why will they not believe God? Because the enemy has cast doubt in their hearts concerning God and His Word toward them. You see, when you become fully persuaded that God is, that He is not as man that He should lie, that His promises are yes, and amen, that He is a rewarder, and that you are fully qualified for His blessings in Christ, then nothing can stop you from receiving what He has given!

One of your biggest weapons against the enemy is praise… and the foundation of all praise is FAITH. As you begin to praise the Lord, thank Him for your victory because He defeated the enemy 2000 years ago on the Cross, thank Him for His promises, praise Him for overcoming, and winning all battles on your behalf, and praise Him in faith, demonstrating that you have already received!

Your faith filled praise unleashes the victorious power of God to guarantee your victory - your faith celebrates a victory that is already accomplished. Rise victoriously today and walk in triumph as more than a conqueror in Christ!

Blessings on you, Esther
