Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Acts 4:31

And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and

they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

As the disciples prayed together after the ascension of Jesus, their prayers prepared them for the power of God!  Their prayers prepared them to receive what He had promised. 

 In the disciples case, a big part of them being ready to receive and to walk in the promise of the Lord was that they needed to come into unity with each other… a house divided will never stand – as they prayed together in faith, the anointing on their prayers imparted unity, forgiveness, love, grace and many other needed ingredients that were essential to sustain the pending revival after receiving the promise. In January, we started 21 days of prayer and by the end of the 21 days, nobody wanted it to end, we saw the power of God manifest in our lives. We saw unity of the Spirit and God did something on the inside of us by the power of the Holy Ghost. It was a time of the Lord preparing us for the next step.

As you pray, seek the Lord’s face, as you press into His presence… you are communing with the Lord, and allowing Him to prepare you to receive His promise, and to implement what He gives you in such a way that you walk into His promise for you in His power without any hinderance. As you are decreeing and declaring and calling those things that are not as though they were, the anointing on your prayer brings transformation to you. After the Lord has done a work in you, He can do a work through you.

He has laid up promises for you to do great exploits in His name – exceeding riches, miracle working power to do mighty works, gifts of leadership, great wisdom, and you are being fully equipped to rule and reign with Christ in this world.

With great blessing comes great responsibility, with great blessing comes great persecution, with great blessing comes great spiritual attack but you will have the wisdom, divine ability and discernment and the fruit of the Spirit operating in your life, and will know how to hear the voice of God… you have to be prepared before you receive! – Prayer allows the Lord to prepare you for His promises!

Pray continually and without ceasing… allowing the Lord place to prepare you – when you are ready, His promise will manifest.

Blessings on you, Esther