Today’s devotion is from Luke 24:36 (AMP)

While they were talking about this, Jesus Himself [suddenly] stood among them and said to them, “Peace be to you.” 


Jesus after His resurrection, revealed himself to Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus. At first they were frightened, but Jesus, the living, risen Savior spoke peace into their lives and opened their understanding to understand the Word…. and left them in a place where they returned to Jerusalem with great joy and worshipping Him after He was carried up to heaven.

We serve and are in relationship with a Savior Who is alive and risen from the dead. We are reminded on a daily basis that Jesus is with us and that He speaks His peace into our lives and into our circumstances continually.

When day to day challenges come, when circumstances out of our control confront us….remember to thank Jesus for His great Peace. Just the way He spoke peace to Cleopas and his friend, so Jesus’ great peace is there for you today.  

He has spoken the Word, and it’s a living Word and it still applies today “Peace be unto you”. Receive that peace in your situation today. Put your mind, your heart and focus your attention on Him today, your living Savior. Jesus is alive, He is risen, we serve a living Savior who is there for us, He spoke the words, 2000 years ago, but today, we can still receive the comfort of those words “Peace be unto you”. Take your focus from your circumstances, receive His peace, begin to worship Him and let His Joy fill your heart.  “ Peace be unto You”.