Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 3 John 2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.


True prosperity manifests from the inside, out… God’s blessings manifest on the inside of a person before they are seen on the outside! The Lord always starts with your soul… your inner person – He sends His word and heals you (on the inside) before healing manifests on the outside! Your soul is your inner man, and when you are broken hearted and broken on the inside, the blessings from the Lord cannot take root and grow in your life.

The Lord blesses broken people with broken hearts, who are broken on the inside, but the blessings cannot take root, grow and be in permanent manifestation – they are lost as quickly as they are given. Broken people cannot hold onto the good that comes to them! Many sick people receive healing after a healing service, but the sickness comes back almost immediately… the same goes for all of the blessings that they may have received – deliverance from anxiety, depression and such… they receive them but cannot maintain or keep these blessings because they are broken on the inside.

The way that the Lord prospers you in your soul and heals your inner man is through His Word. Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.”

The same Word that makes you whole and heals you on the inside starts prospering your inner man – as His prosperity, blessings and promises begin to manifest on the inside, they start manifesting on the outside. The good news is that when a believer receives a blessing that manifests from the inside, out… that blessing is maintained and will be in continual manifestation on the outside.

One of the reasons that we continue to write these daily devotions is to serve you by making a continual, consistent, fresh flow of the Word available to you. As you meditate on these daily teachings and receive them into your heart, the IMPLANTED WORD will release inner healing and wholeness and then prosperity in your inner being – remain faithful and led the Word work on the inside of you!

Blessings on you, Nick
