
Today’s New Covenant nugget comes from Hebrews 13:6 

So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. what can man do to me?”

The Lord is our Helper, not our condemner...

Because the Lord is there to help you, nothing done by any person can harm you… this includes who people elect for political office, the economy, man made viruses, or people with evil intent toward you! Nothing man made, man initiated or caused by any group of people can harm you because the Lord is your Helper.

As the Lord watches over us He is constantly setting things in motion to help us! He is promoting people to pray, He is commissioning angels and He is imparting power, wisdom and supernatural ability to us. Even when we get ourselves in trouble, the last thing on His mind is being angry or disappointed in us - instead, He immediately makes plans to rescue us and to redirect us to a path of blessing!

As you face things that are bigger than you are, or beyond your ability to cope, as you face the consequences of your own mistakes, as you face persecution, financial lack, health issues, or anything that you are challenged with, picture the Lord as your Helper - picture Him immediately taking action on your behalf - picture Him working all things together for your good and turning everything around to your advantage!

The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me? What can the devil do to me? What can hinder me? Absolutely nothing! 

Blessings on you, Nick
