Today’s devotion is from Philippians 4:19

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 

It is wonderful to know that God will provide all of our needs, but another question is, what are our greatest needs? People often are stressed and worried about provision, health and safety, and the Lord has provided and will continue to provide those things… we shall not want! However, did you know that there are much bigger needs than those?

The need to be loved… (valued, celebrated and embraced), the need to be righteous… (to be in right standing with God and others) and the need to be needed are mankind’s primary needs. Let’s look at how the Lord continually meets these primary needs in our lives… 

The need to be loved…

Being loved is more than being cared for; it is being valued, being celebrated and being embraced. The Lord not only values, celebrates and embraces us, He makes us shine and draws the attention of others, so that they notice our uniqueness, our gifting’s and our qualities. The Lord genuinely loves you and He also causes others to love you.

 The need to be righteous…

“We understand that Righteousness means the ability to stand in the presence of the Father God without the sense of guilt or inferiority. This has been the quest of the ages. The desire to get rid of Sin Consciousness has given birth to all the major religions of the world.” (Excerpt From: E.W. Kenyon. “The Two Kinds of Righteousness.”) 

We become the righteousness of God in Christ the second that we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit continually causes us to find favor with the people around us, causing us to be in right standing with others. Some people will resist the process in spite of what the Holy Spirit is doing, but many will embrace God’s righteous ones and extend favor towards them.

The need to be needed…

The need to be needed is a huge need that every person has. Many leaders do not recognize this and instead of including people and giving them the opportunity to serve, they exclude others from responsibility, thinking that this exclusion will be appreciated. When leaders do this, they do it at their own peril.

Our Father continually reminds us that He needs us, that He wants to use us, that He depends upon our involvement, our giving, our ideas and our righteous labor. He equips us with the gifts of the Spirit, with talent and with supernatural ability… He gives us the power to get wealth, favor, and uniqueness that His kingdom both needs and uses to fulfill His purposes. He draws other to you, so that you can be a blessing in their lives.  

The Lord is continually at work, supplying your every need… not only the ones that you may focus on, but your EVERY need, including the biggest needs that we sometimes overlook – Selah!