The word for you today is from Philippians 4:13

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’

You can do it!

The same anointing that is in the Anointed One is available to you today. The anointing strengthens, enables, leads, enlightens, teaches, brings favor and produces miracles. You can do ALL things THROUGH Christ [the Anointed One and His Anointing.]

Rely on the Anointed One and His Anointing…

Christ literally means ‘The Anointed One and His Anointing.’ The apostle Paul is declaring to the church in Philippi that regardless of his circumstances, regardless of his ability or inability, regardless of how much money he has… that the enabling, miracle working, strengthening anointing through Christ is sufficient! Paul did not rely on, or look to his own ability… he relied FULLY on Christ!

Friend, God has called you and I to things that are bigger than what we are, things that require more than we have in the natural to succeed and situations that are beyond our natural ability. It is only as we look to Christ and only as we do things according to His ability and by His anointing that we will succeed!